The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up
by Marie Kondo

This book explores the idea of tidying. Many believe that tidying is something that comes with time and experience, but Marie Kondo knows that, though it may come naturally to some, it is a skill that can be taught. This is a step by step guide to creating a tidy space that brings you joy.
Key Points:
- These skills can be taught.
- When sorting through your things, you choose what to keep, not what to discard.
- You generally keep things that bring you joy, and in the end, will live surrounded by a things that bring you joy.
- This is a journey that involves a lot of self-reflection and self-understanding - it is not easy.
- This approach is a little too intense for some people and some people find it too dogmatic. It isn’t for everyone but worth a read if you’re interested in reflecting.