Worthy Wage Day
Each May 1st, we pause to take the opportunity to advocate for a worthy wage for early educators. Worthy Wage Day is sponsored by the American Federation of Teachers. It is a day to draw our attention to the work that Early Educators do and the low compensation they receive for this critical work. Over 2,000,000 early educators across the country are dedicated to supporting children and families in the critical early years before formal schooling. This is a time to raise awareness of the low wages earned by early childhood educators and the effects this under-funding has on the education of our youngest citizens.
Know the Stats
60% of children under 5 are in early childhood programs
2 Million Early Childhood Educators
1 in 7 Childcare Workers in Poverty
Commonly people falsely believe that early educators are paid less because they are less educated, but most early educators and all of the Our Neighborhood team members have advanced training. Early educators choose this work because they see the impact they are able to make. Sadly early educators who are passionate also leave the industry because of the low compensation.
The truth is though Our Neighborhood tuition rates are higher than many other programs our teachers continue to subsidize the cost of child care. We do not have a solution but that doesn't mean we shouldn't try! Each year we advocate to raise awareness and empower others to know the facts about early childhood education.
Be An Advocate
Share Stats
Share wage statistics with families, teachers, and community partners.
Speak Out
Organize an effort to speak out about low wages
Write your legislators advocating for funding for programs that serve young children.
If you're a parent of a young child, advocate for higher wages for your child's teacher.
Respect and honor early childhood educators for the work they do with our youngest citizens.
Spread It
Spread the word about Worthy Wage Day and join in local events.