First Steps in Music Classes
“If we believe adults should be able to sing to their children and dance with their spouses and appreciate good quality music literature, then we must sing to our babies, and dance with our babies, and do both with quality children’s music literature. Then when those babies become 30 years old, they will be musically sensitive and be able to provide an appropriate nurturing musical environment for their children.” - Dr. John M. Feierabend
First Steps in Music is a curriculum for infants, toddlers, PreK and beyond! Created by Dr. John Feierabend, it is designed for children and caretakers to attend together. The First Steps curriculum is based on an extensive survey of research related to the development of singing and movement skills in young children. The songs and rhymes used in these classes were collected in an attempt to help preserve the rich repertoire of traditional and folk literature that helps to bind generations together.
- Fee: $100 per child for ONCDC families, $150 for all other families, 20% siblings discount
- Each session will be 10 classes long, classes are 45 minutes in length with 15 before class begins for parents to connect and free play with instruments
- Classes will be held on Sundays, see sign-up for details
- We will be meeting at Our Neighborhood Child Development Center
- Teacher: Cameron Pampus, a FAME (Feierabend Association for Music Education) certified teacher
- First Steps is designed to be divided into ages: 0-12 months, 12-24, 24-36, PreK and up
- With this being our inaugural session at Our Neighboorhood we will be differentiating activities throughout the class so that siblings can participate in classes together
Additional Resources

We can do this together!
All caregivers are welcome at any of the Our Neighborhood classes and we happily provide professional development hours to teachers who need credit. Caregiver refers to anyone who is working regularly with young children such as parents, teachers, nannies, and others who support young children.