A group of six teachers gathers together each quarter. The group establishes a focus for their work, observes in the classroom, then reconvenes to reflect on their observations, and organize documentation to share.
Our 2019 study topics focus on supporting children's development of essential life skills; approaching challenges and composure. Then in our final meeting we will reflect on, when teachers intervene and when we don't, how to strike a balance.
Reflective cohort participants make a commitment to meeting quarterly for one year. Fees are $400 per teacher per year or billed quarterly for $175 per teacher per quarter. Meals are included. Invite your friends to join us Saturday for just $20.
Participation includes a weekday meeting at a host school from 9 am to 3pm with lunch provided and a Saturday meeting at Our Neighborhood from 9 am to 11 am each quarter for a total of 32 hours of professional development.
The Saturday sessions each quarter will be led by the reflective cohort groups and provide a platform for teachers to share their learning with one another and the community. Community members can join us on Saturday to receive 2 hours of professional development for a $20 fee. Light refreshments provided.