Teachers as Researchers Institute

January 19th, 2017
Deb Curtis, co-author of Visionary Director, Learning Together with Young Children, and Designs for Living and Learning is came to Charlottesville for a three day reflective practice institute! Teacher, administrators, and teacher educators from around the country joined us to reflect on how to make learning visible, learn alongside your students, and develop as teacher researcher.
Big Ideas from the Institute:
- Collaborate in Communities of Practice to consider multiple perspectives and deepen your approaches to reflective teaching.
- Learn a protocol to guide your daily decision making and your ongoing role as a teacher researcher.
- Observe learning and developmental theory in children’s daily pursuits, including sensory motor play, schema theory, complex play skills, symbolic representation, language acquisition and the development of identity.
- Study various teacher research projects to find meaningful approaches and questions for your own practice.
- Envision your own inquiry questions, and think about the possible discoveries that you can make with children, families and your teaching team.
- Re-energize your spirit and rediscover the joys of working with children.
Categories: Local Initiatives for Educators