Preschool Should Be Ages 3 to 8

Preschool should be ages three to eight not ages three to five. Children under age eight are in what researchers call a sensitive period of growth. Our public school system starts at age five so the majority of families just assume between five and six preschool ends and Kindergarten begins. Once in school children are…

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Baby’s Nutritional Needs – 12 Months +

We welcome, support, and recommend breastfeeding as long as it suits the mother and child. The World Health Organization (WHO) states from age 12-24 months up to 30% of children’s calories can come from breastmilk, however that is not a reality for most children in the United States. If you’re feeding and enjoying it, keep…

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Baby’s Nutritional Needs – 6 to 8 Months

If you haven’t yet, it’s time to start your journey into food. After age six months, neither breast milk nor formula have sufficient iron for baby’s nutritional needs. The extra calories and density of solid food may help your child to stay full longer and sleep in longer chunks. During this age, food will be…

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Baby’s Nutritional Needs – 10 to 12 Months

Breast milk and formula remain necessary for baby’s diet through their first year but with the first birthday on the horizon you will begin to see a drop in milk consumption. If you are nursing and it is working well for you and baby, the World Health Organization recommends keeping it up through age two.…

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Baby’s Nutritional Needs – 8 to 10 Months

Both table food and milk are essential to meet bigger demands for calories to support movement and growth. While many growth charts focus on calories per ounce of body weight, our experience is that as children begin to move, their desire for food and milk increases. For some, this increase in food demand may come…

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Baby’s Nutritional Needs – 4 to 6 Months

You can start offering food between four and six months. Follow your child’s cues, if your child is noticing, reaching for, and curious about your food they may be ready. Earlier is not better, it is no rush. At this age food is all about exploration and it is not necessary for baby’s nutrition. Even…

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Baby’s Nutritional Needs – 0 to 6 Months

Young babies do not need solid food. From a nutritional standpoint babies are getting all they need from their breast milk or formula. It is also not recommended to give young infants water. Infants up to age six months do not need water and it could interfere with their sense of hunger and satiation. Solid…

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Managing Others Interactions with Your Child

Parent Question: I am reaching out to see if you can point me to some resources for approaching parents who are disrespectful to children. I had a parent recently speak really aggressively to E and I didn’t want to react in the moment, and make a misstep. But now I would like to thoughtfully respond…

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Behavior Regression

Every parent knows the joys of their child learning to do something new for the first time. Unfortunately, we often find ourselves a few weeks or months down the road frustrated as that challenge resurfaces. Whether you are working towards sleeping through the night, managing separation stress, or learning to solve problems without biting and…

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Baby Wellness

Pregnant and preparing for motherhood so many new questions come up that I didn’t grapple with as a teacher. I know all about babies. I know all about early childhood. I know about teaching, learning, building emotional intelligence, supporting secure attachment, behavior challenges, sleep, food, potty learning. The birth and breastfeeding part we’re certainly new…

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