How to Talk So Little Kids Will Listen
by Joanna Faber and Julie King

This is an easy to read guide to interacting with young children. The chapters focus on particular strategies or skill that help you and your young child interact in a healthy way. These tools really work well beyond age seven. If you are needing perspective and help with supporting a young child emotionally, this is the book for you!
Key Points:
- This book offers usable strategies and offers lots of examples to illustrate each one.
- It acknowledges that not all strategies will work 100% of the time because, well, that’s parenting.
- This edition adds some important brain research that wasn’t included in the original How To Talk So Kids Will Listen And Listen So Kids Will Talk which we also recommend.
- I love that the authors acknowledge that respectful strategies will work with all children if you build a strong relationship.
- Some of the language is an oversimplification while I understand appealing to a broad audience the authors occasionally take a deficit view of children and focus more that I would like on the child’s behavior instead of the whole child.
- The stories often add value and give good information but can make the content a little long, if you like stories to go along with ideas this book is right of you.