Emotional Intelligence
From the ONCDC Blog
Shame-Proof Parenting is an amazing book! It’s full of well articulated ideas to help you unwrap all the complexities of parenting and support you as you find your way. I love how the author owns her story. She articulates the way forward without judgement and advocates for you find yourself. This will definitely go on…
I thoroughly enjoy how the author weaves the story into understanding the details of human sensory systems. The Out of Sync Child is a helpful tool for thinking about some of the behaviors that seem inexplicable to parents and teachers. The book provides so many helpful suggestions for how to support children to have sensory…
Nonviolent Communication by Marshall Rosenberg provides an outline for respectful and productive communication. Though Nonviolent Communication (NVC) is not a parenting resource specifically, it is so valuable for reflective and respectful parenting practices. The skills of Non-Violent Communication continue to support a ‘working with’ model of parenting for reflective parents. These tools become increasingly powerful…
As a RIE inspired early educator I was intrigued by “The Discontented Little Baby Book” because of the way it challenges some of the ideas while mirroring others. Douglas takes a very different view of respect and balance in the lives of young children. I appreciate the research, the story, and the challenge. This is…
One of Daniel Siegel’s earliest books “Parenting from the Inside Out” provides parents current attachment research in a digestible format. This book will help you process your own history of attachment and how that might impact your parent-child relationship. This is one of our favorite books for parents who are interested in reflective practice and…
When I was first introduced to the Circle of Security, I was immediately drawn to its simplicity and profound impact on the way we think about parenting. “Raising A Secure Child” is a quick and easy way to dive deep into reflecting on your parenting and how to support security in your child. The authors…
Alison Gopnik has written a few books about her research into child development and children’s brains. Her third widely popular book “The Gardener and the Carpenter” dives into deep ideas about what it means to be a parent and the paradoxes of love and learning. Gopnik’s reflections on childhood are inspiring and challenging for parents…
“I Love You Rituals” is one of our favorite Dr. Becky Bailey books. It highlights the importance of joy time, shared attention, physical touch and one on one time with young children. This is a great resource for families or teachers who want to build more tools for connection. Don’t expect something comprehensive it is…
“No-Drama Discipline” is a great read. Some of the wording is different than what we use at Our Neighborhood but the ideas are very respectful and the brain research backing up this more peaceful approach is clearly explained. The book is funny and quick with lots of practical advice for parents. You won’t come away…
The best resource for a growing family. First time parents are taking in a lot of information to prepare for their new role and it will still always throw you for a loop. No matter if your first born was easy, challenging, in a groove or out of control adding a sibling will always be…