The ONCDC Blog

Refusing to Get in the High Chair

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Parent Question So basically the issue is that recently my 18 month old has become more and more resistant (and more and more frequently) to getting strapped into her high chair for meals.  Sometimes she just fights it for a few seconds but once she’s strapped in and notices the food on the table in…

Should I Sleep Train

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People often throw around the phrase ‘sleep training’. For different people it can mean different things but most often it involves a schedule of minimal responses to your child’s crying until your child finally falls asleep. For many families they have no idea what else to do and give ‘sleep training’ a try. A few…

Fears at Bedtime

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Sometimes children develop fears surrounding bedtime, night, or darkness. While the thing they are afraid of may not make any sense to an adult, the fear is real. Once when my partner was out of town and I thought I heard a noise downstairs, I became nervous and grabbed my cell phone. My mind flooded…

My Child Cries to Sleep

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Sleeping is not easy. Most children will cry, fuss, resist, and struggle to learn to sleep. Parents are best served if they let go of views of how much their child ‘should’ or ‘needs to’ sleep. Sleep is important but it’s not always easy. Even for adults it can be difficult to fall asleep. Young…

3 Things Parents Need To Know About Sleep

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The Overtired Problem When young children are tired but the environments and people around them are engaging them. They learn to keep themselves awake rather than listening to their body’s signals that they are tired. This is like an adult who is working to keep themselves awake to drive at night. When finally settling down…

Introducing the Potty Try

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As children become young toddlers, we recommend introducing the concept of sitting on the potty instead of changing their diaper on the table. Most parents begin this process as a part of the bath time or good morning routine. You will know your child is ready to sit on the potty when she clearly refuses…

Potty Books for Children

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Books about potty learning can be a great way to start talking about and  to introduce using the the potty. Sometimes we adjust the words to the individual child or our family word choice. But using real words and talking openly is crucial to supporting our children’s growth. Books are a good way to begin…

Peeing Standing Up

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Boys will stand up to pee at any point once they have made the connection. It is probably easiest to introduce your son to stand-up peeing closer to or after his second birthday when he has more balance, height, and control. It is likely that once he realizes he can stand up to pee, he…