More About Our Teaching Team
From the ONCDC Blog
Our Neighborhood Child Development Center (ONCDC) adopted Holacracy in 2016 and now we are offering a unique opportunity to learn Holacracy by working with us! Interns will take on roles, attend meetings, and learn the Holacracy constitution. As an intern you will take on 2-3 roles to do work in our organization. You will do…
Our Neighborhood Child Development Center (ONCDC) has an internship program! We are looking for energetic, open-minded interns to help foster curiosity, authenticity, and respect with young children. An Our Neighborhood intern should love working with children and believe that young children are competent individuals worthy of a loving, engaging environment. As an intern, you will…
Step 1: Apply Our interview starts with a few questions via email. If you apply through indeed they are a part of the process, and if you reach out directly a member of the hiring team will send them your way. How do you believe children learn best? What do you think are the benefits…
Health Insurance Our Neighborhood provides group health insurance through Anthem HealthKeepers. Our Neighborhood contributes 75% of the teacher’s premium and the team member is responsible for the remaining 25%. If desired, teachers can select to add their spouse or dependents to the Our Neighborhood group health plan. Our Neighborhood contributes 50% toward the health plans…