From the ONCDC Blog
As a RIE inspired early educator I was intrigued by “The Discontented Little Baby Book” because of the way it challenges some of the ideas while mirroring others. Douglas takes a very different view of respect and balance in the lives of young children. I appreciate the research, the story, and the challenge. This is…
When I was first introduced to the Circle of Security, I was immediately drawn to its simplicity and profound impact on the way we think about parenting. “Raising A Secure Child” is a quick and easy way to dive deep into reflecting on your parenting and how to support security in your child. The authors…
Another opportunity to deepen your understanding and practice of RIE. This book is a collection of information on varying topics regarding interacting and raising children. The chapters are short, easy to read and get right to the point. Very helpful for parents of toddlers and parents who are easily frustrated by children pushing their buttons.…
I really enjoyed this book, it isn’t going to change your life but does invite some powerful reflection opportunities. The author invites you to look closely at the environments and experiences of young children. The reader then revisits their preconceived ideas about children’s behaviors and how we can learn from the children parents and teachers…
Magda Gerber is one of Our Neighborhood’s favorite authors and she is the founder of RIE, Resources for Infant Educarers. In the book “Your Self-Confident Baby”, Magda provides basic principles for families as they start to explore and develop their parenting style. We have found Baby Knows Best our favorite RIE resource because it is…
On many of the Our Neighborhood best books lists, Dear Parent offers a beautiful invitation for new parents to prepare for a new baby without the guilt that is so prevalent in our society. “Dear Parent” was the first resource that inspired Our Neighborhood’s exploration and adoption of the RIE, Resources for Infant Educarers, principles.…
Good option for new infant teachers curious about the RIE approach in group care. This is an easy to read book for new teachers, the chapters are short and simple. The principles of this book are applicable in most early childhood settings and a great beginner starting point.